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Smart wedding tips from the pros

April 30 2015 by convey

014There are so many things to keep in mind as you plan your big day, but sometimes it helps to hear from people who are experts in the industry. The folks at Town & Country talked to Marchesa designers Keren Craig and Georgina Chapman about advice they’d give all brides-to-be these days. Among their tips:

  • When trying on dresses, put your phone to work. One of their clients even had videos taken of herself in every gown she tried on, just to get a realistic idea of how it would look, from every angle.
  • Avoid being trendy just for the sake of it. Craig recommends going for “a timeless and classic design.” Remember, you’ll be looking at these photos for years to come, so you don’t want to appear dated by a fad of the era.
  • At the same time, be open-minded when considering a dress. The designers suggest trying on something that you don’t think you’ll care for — because you never know, it might be “the one.”
  • Don’t rule out a veil. Craig says she didn’t wear one at her own wedding, “and now I regret it.”
  • Consider your comfort when it comes to shoes. Bring along two pairs: one for the ceremony, and another for the party. Your feet will thank you.
  • Enjoy the day! “So many people have told me that the entire event went by in a blur and they don’t remember much,” Craig says. So remember to step back and take it all in as much as you can!

About Author

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Sesha Smith
Owner & Photographer of Convey Studios

Sesha has been photographing weddings since 1998. She has so many favorite things from photographing weddings that she can’t pick just one: the bride’s mom helping her daughter get her wedding dress on, the first time a groom sees the bride and he tries to hold back tears.


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